Pieces of the Story, Let's Flamingle - 5th Birthday Celebrations

August 10, 2018

Who says you can't have a pool party in the middle of winter!  My daughter had her heart set on a flamingo themed swimming party with her kinder friends this year. So grateful for our indoor heated pool complex. Turns out they have a really fun birthday package - it was a huge hit!

A special thanks to my lovely friend Tanya Rees for the loan of this Pop of Paradise stamp set!  Not only did it help Miss 5 to put together the theme she wanted, but it also meant I got the memories documented ASAP so I could return the stamps in good time! Thanks again for the loan, Tan!

I hope you've enjoyed this project!

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1 comment :

  1. Looks amazing Jenn. So glad you were able to put the set to good use



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